Commercial Testing Company is a diversified scientific materials ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited testing laboratory serving manufacturers, building officials, code authorities, architects, governmental agencies, and consumers.
Operating from our privately-owned testing facility in Dalton, GA, since 1974, we provide unbiased test data with capabilities for studying a wide range of problems and their solutions. We provide testing services to our clients as expeditiously as a test method allows, while our technical expertise assures unquestionable accuracy and strict confidentiality at competitive prices. The staff of testing experts represents over 150 years of laboratory experience.
Commercial Testing Company offers testing services in many disciplines, including flammability, physical, thermal, and colorfastness for ACT, DOD, DOT, FAA, GSA, HUD / FHA, UFAC, and many others. If you require testing of building materials, textiles, wallcoverings, insulation products, floor coverings, wire, and cables, contact us for specific information.
Tested to Be Sure®

Founded in 1974, Commercial Testing Company has been serving clients nationally and internationally for over 45 years.

Commercial Testing is a privately owned scientific materials testing laboratory and maintains ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Testing Laboratory Accreditation.

Trusted Equipment
Commercial Testing uses testing equipment of our own manufacturer and specialized equipment from other commercial sources.
Contact us for all your testing needs.

Phone: 706-278-3935
Fax: 706-278-3936
Email: Information@CommercialTesting.com
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
The name of COMMERCIAL TESTING COMPANY shall not be used under any circumstances in advertising to the general public without prior written consent of Commercial Testing Company. Tested To Be Sure® is a Registered Trademark of Commercial Testing Company, shall not be used in part or in whole under any circumstances by the general public without prior written consent of Commercial Testing Company.
© 2020 Commercial Testing Company, Inc.